University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

Welcome to Education Showcase 2024. The program offers workshops and peer-reviewed presentations of scholarly work in education, over two days, May 9-10, 2024. The Cooke Awards are presented during the Showcase plenary session (Thursday).

This year the UCSF Education Showcase features Christy Boscardin, PhD and Brian Gin, MD, PhD. The keynote address is titled: Opportunities for AI in Education

Proceed to registration below*. Take care not to register for concurrent sessions. Encourage a friend to register!

*If necessary due to lack of space, we reserve the right to prioritize Showcase attendance for those who teach or will teach UCSF learners, residents, fellows, and post-docs at UCSF and affiliated institutions, and UCSF staff who find the program relevant to their work.

Education Showcase 2024 Overview and Registration

Schedule Overview for Thursday May 9, 2024

Register here: Opening Day Registration

9:15-10:20am UCSF Education Showcase Selected Oral Presentations & Cooke Award (In Person/Zoom)
10:20-10:30am Break
10:30-11:30am UCSF Education Showcase Keynote Lecture and AAMC AI Webinar Series Lecture (In Person/Zoom)

"Opportunities for AI in Education" with Christy Boscardin, PhD and Brian Gin, MD, PhD

11:30am-1:00pm Lunch - Topics Table Discussions (In Person/Zoom)
1:00-3:30pm Mini Orals (In Person only/Zoom)
3:30-4:30pm Selected Oral Presentations & Cooke Award (In Person/Zoom)
4:30-5:30pm Reception at Pritzker Building Terrace (In Person only)

UCSF Education Showcase Selected Oral Presentations and Mini-Oral Presentations Schedule

Schedule Overview for Friday May 10, 2024 (Zoom Only)

Click the links below to register for each event. Take care not to register for concurrent sessions.

Concurrent Workshops - (Open only to UCSF)

Workshop 1: Facilitating with Flair: Small Group Teaching to Support Effective Individual & Group Learning
Workshop 2: Large Group Teaching
Workshop 3: Microaggressions in the Learning Environment


Workshop 4: Fundamentals of Anti-oppressive and Anti-racist Education
Workshop 5: In-the-moment Feedback

11:45- 12:00pm: Break
11:00 - 1:00pm: Mini-Orals
1:00 - 2:00pm: Panel discussion, What are Current Use Cases of AI within Education?

All times listed in PST.

Background: The annual Education Showcase features the scholarly work of UCSF students, residents, and faculty. Sponsored by UCSF's Center for Faculty Educators (CFE), and enhanced by visiting scholars, the event is filled with opportunities to see the variety and quality of the work our UCSF colleagues are engaged in throughout the year.

The program features keynote lectures and peer-reviewed oral presentations reporting scholarly work in health professions education, as well as faculty development workshops and opportunities to socialize.

UCSF is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

UCSF designates this live activity for a maximum of 50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The above credit is inclusive of all UCSF Educational Skills Workshops and the Teaching Scholars Program.

For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME.

The California Board of Pharmacy accepts as continuing professional education those courses that meet the standard of relevance to pharmacy practice and have been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.

UCSF Educational Skills Workshops and Med Ed Grand Rounds have been approved by UCSF Rehabilitative Services for up to 7 continuing education hours per year total. Questions regarding this approval should be directed to (415) 514-6779.

Psychology: This educational activity is recognized by the California Board of Psychology as meeting the continuing education requirements toward license renewal for California psychologists. Psychologists are responsible for reporting their own attendance to the California Board of Psychology. Psychologists from other states should check with their respective licensing boards.

Course No. MGR24075.

Event Details

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.