University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

320 Bowling Green Drive, San Francisco #sfaidswalk
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UC San Francisco is rallying its community of faculty, staff and learners to come together in Golden Gate Park for AIDS Walk San Francisco on Sunday, July 16, 2023,  to raise funds for programs and services that benefit people of the Bay Area.

This year, among the beneficiaries of the annual trek through Golden Gate Park is the UCSF 360 Wellness Center, which was created in 1984 to offer a range of high-quality services in a single location for people living with HIV/AIDS.

At UCSF, various teams are raising money in a friendly competition to see which team brings in the most donations to AIDS Walk San Francisco. The team with the highest total of donations wins the coveted AIDS Walk Trophy presented by UCSF Chancellor Sam Hawgood. 

Members of the UCSF community are encouraged to join or contribute to one of the UCSF teams listed below. Those contributing at least $25 will get a souvenir UCSF AIDS Walk T-shirt. All walkers will get breakfast before the walk and lunch after the walk.

Team UCSF (general team for those not affiliated with the other teams listed below)

Institute for Global Health Sciences 

UCSF 360: Positive. Care and Women's HIV Program 

UCSF Ward 86 

UCSF School of Nursing 

UCSF Campus Life Services 


UCSF Student Health & Counseling Services 


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