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CAPS Town Hall presents: Fred Ssewamala, PhD. Dr  Ssewamala is the William E. Gordon Distinguished Professor of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine.  He is Director and Founder of the International Center for Child Health and Development (ICHAD) and Director of SMART Africa Center at theBrown School at Washington University in St. Louis. 

Dr. Ssewamala leads innovative, interdisciplinary research that informs, develops and tests economic empowerment and social protection interventions aimed at improving life chances and long-term developmental impacts for children and adolescent youth impacted by poverty and health disparities in low resource communities. Currently, Ssewamala is conducting three large-scale, NIH-funded longitudinal randomized studies across sub-Saharan Africa.

Dr. Ssewamala established the International Center for Child Health and Development (ICHAD) while a tenured professor at Columbia University.  Dr. Ssewamala also is the director of the SMART Africa Center (Strengthening Mental health And Research Training), an African regional transdisciplinary collaborative center funded by NIMH and aimed at reducing gaps in child and adolescent mental health services and research in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda through a population approach to child mental health. His research in Africa engages collaboratively with local and national institutions to ensure scale-up and sustainability.

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Established in 1986,  the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) at UC San Francisco is one of the world’s largest research centers dedicated to social, behavioral, and policy science approaches to HIV. 

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  • Rochelle Blanco
  • Yvonne Angwenyi
  • Global Health Sciences

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