Wednesday, December 11, 2019 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
530 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143-0840 us show you how to get the best results from your search.
Go beyond the Google searching methods to get a handle on database logic. Build complex search strategies; use PubMed’s Clinical Queries to find evidence-based clinical articles, and set up alerts to stay informed when new articles are published in your field.
And try another database: Embase! Produced by Elsevier Science, Embase covers additional EU literature, so you will find unique citations here that are not in PubMed. It includes all of Medline plus over 2,000 extra titles, and 260,000 conference abstracts (over 24 million records from more than 7,500 journals). Embase covers the fields of medicine, biomedical sciences, drugs and pharmacy.
You will learn:
- Structured database searching for more complex searches
- PubMed features including Citation Matcher, Clinical Queries and Mesh
- Basic search features of Embase
This class is also offered at Mission Bay.