University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

UCSF SKY Happiness Retreat  (Campus Retreat for Resilience)

Dec 8-10| Fri-Sun| 3 Zooms x 3 hours each | NO COST for UCSF Fac/Staff (valued at $295)

Attendees learn evidence-based stress-management skills, develop a personal daily SKY breath-meditation practice which has been scientifically validated to significantly increases one's well-being, increase resilience, decrease anxiety, improve social connectedness, and reduce stress markers over 3 consecutive days (3 hours each day). 

Dec 8-10                          

Fri, Dec 8, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Sat, Dec 9, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM 

Sun, Dec 10, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Reserve your spot (caps)

*Please note: the link will take you to an external website for registration.

Attendeance for all 3 days is required.

SKY Breath Meditation helps individuals to relieve stress, build resilience and find calm with a breathing practice that shows results from the first session. Documented in more than 100 independent studies, this powerful, evidence-based meditation technique is taught by certified facilitators live online.

·Learn and experience the SKY Breath Meditation technique

·Learn a take-home practice to sustain the benefits over the long term

·Gain tools to increase happiness, relieve stress, and connect with colleagues

·Increase your energy and calm to reach your full potential

Event Details

Reserve your spot: 

*Please note: the link will take you to an external website for registration

Attendance for all 3 days is required.

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.