University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

1675 Owens Street, San Francisco, CA 94143-3008
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The San Francisco Bay Collaborative Research Network (SFBayCRN) and the UCSF Impacting Policy by
Accelerating Translation (IMPACT) Program cordially invite you to join us for our annual meeting,
which for the first time in several years will be held IN PERSON!

Reimagining Community Research Partnerships in a World Transformed by COVID-19.

Who Should Attend:
UCSF Researchers, Students, and Staff
Clinicians and Health Systems Leaders
Public Health Leaders and Policymakers
Leaders and Staff from Community-Based Organizations
The meeting is free, and free CME will be provided for clinicians.

Featured speakers will include UCSF’s Peter Chin-Hong, Erica Pan
(California’s State Epidemiologist), as well as leaders from important community initiatives such as Umoja
Health, STOP COVID, the Fresno COVID-19 Health Equity Project, and school health experts from
Oakland and San Francisco School Districts. A networking reception will conclude the meeting.

Event Details

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.