University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

COVID-19 continues to take its toll on us all, and many in health care and in research are feeling exhausted and even burnt out. At the same time, the pandemic has disrupted the status quo and revealed opportunities for innovation and renewal.

Featured speakers will include UCSF’s Peter Chin-Hong, California State Epidemiologist Erica Pan, as well as leaders from important community initiatives such as Umoja Health, STOP COVID, the Fresno COVID-19 Health Equity Project, and school health experts from Oakland and San Francisco School Districts. A networking reception will conclude the meeting.

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UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.