Friday, February 2, 2018
About this Event
UC Health Community,
As part of the ongoing strategic relationship between UC and OptumLabs, each year OptumLabs provides seven UC research project teams with OptumLabs-funded access (aka: “research credits”) to its data warehouse. OptumLabs is an open, collaborative center for research and innovation focused on improving patient care and value. The database includes de-identified plan enrollment information, medical and pharmacy claims, and lab results integrated across care settings and longitudinally linked at the patient level. Where available, the claims data are also linked to clinical data derived from EHRs.
We will be soliciting proposals for research ideas that leverage the OptumLabs data. Examples of research projects using OptumLabs data include: variation in care, utilization, safety and efficacy, predictive modeling, policy and incentives, outcomes, methods, literature review, health economics, guidelines/quality of care, epidemiology, disparities, delivery of care, and comparative effectiveness.
Timeline (dates could vary slightly)
Note: You do not have to wait for the competition to get started. If you wish to purchase a data license to access to the OptumLabs Data Warehouse, you can move forward immediately. You will find the Sandbox Fee Schedule on the UC-OptumLabs micro-site.
Get more information by visiting the UC-OptumLabs microsite/knowledge repository:
Round II Application Forms
Round II Call for Proposals
UC-OptumLabs Research Proposal Form
Ask questions about the OptumLabs data or your research idea by contacting Sarah Thayer, PhD (OptumLabs Director of Research) at
Stay up to date on the latest OptumLabs opportunities and information by signing up for the OptumLabs listserv:
Please feel free to forward all communications and material to your colleagues across UC.
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