University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

Some say the e-bike is a perfect choice for daily commutes. Save money, the planet, and your sanity and health. The Electric Vehicle (EV) that will improve your health and commute isn’t an SUV or truck. It’s an e-bike. We're part of the E-Bike revolution, and we're here to share our stories.

  • Sharing research on brands and models.
  • What do I mostly use my e-bike for?
  • Is it really a car replacer?
  • How do I keep an e-bike safe from theft? Is parking a concern?
  • Tips for those interested in riding/safety.

featuring Sang-Mo Kang MD, David Teitel MD, Penny Mitchell, and Bill Stern.

MORE - E-bikes are replacing cars. What to consider on cost and testing before you buy. (WaPo) -

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