University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

My Bike Tour Story - Bike tours range from single-day trips to extended travels spanning weeks or months. Tours are planned by cyclists or organized by a tourism business, local club, or a charity as a fund-raising venture.

  • What happens on a bike tour?
  • How does one prepare their touring bike?
  • Should you be planning a summer bike trip now?

Tour tips will be shared by Maude Dull and Elizabeth Butrick. Learn from their adventures preparing for and bike touring the Southwest, East Coast, and the Midwest.

Tuesday, March 26th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
Zoom meeting. Register now -


Maude Dull MD is the Medical Director of the Pediatric Transitional Care Unit (PTCU) at Benioff Children's Hospital, SF. The PTCU is an acute care unit run by the pediatric critical care team serving a medically diverse population of children who require hospital care that exceeds the resources of standard hospital units.

Elizabeth Butrick MPH MSW is the Clinical Research Operations Manager for the Department of Emergency Medicine. She has managed research studies for UCSF since 2003 both globally and locally. Currently, she rotates between the EDs at Parnassus, ZSFGH, Children’s Oakland, and occasionally Mission Bay and prides herself on her access to multiple campus bike cages.

Hosted by UCSF Bikes!

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