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The Gladstone Data Science Training Program provides learning opportunities and hands-on workshops to improve your skills in bioinformatics and computational analysis. Gain new skills and get support with your questions and data. This program is co-sponsered by UCSF School of Medicine.

Knowing how to use the command line of your computer can save you a lot of time. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to navigate the Unix terminal.

For this workshop, you’ll need a Mac or Linux laptop (you can use Windows if you can’t access a Linux machine).

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • File manipulation (ls, pwd, mv, mkdir, cat, sort, uniq)
  • File system (which, df, du)
  • Slicing text files (cut, head, tail, split, column)
  • Compression/decompression (tar, gzip, zcat, zless)
  • Other helpful commands (date, echo, alias)
  • System variables ($HOME, $PWD, $USER)

Novice: This is an introductory workshop in the Computer Skills series. No prior experience required. There are no prerequisites.

Visit the workshop site for more details and materials.

Event Details