University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

The Gladstone Data Science Training Program provides learning opportunities and hands-on workshops to improve your skills in bioinformatics and computational analysis. Gain new skills and get support with your questions and data. This program is co-sponsored by UCSF School of Medicine.

Why do we perform experiments? What conclusions would we like to be able to draw from these experiments? Who are we trying to convince? How does the “magic” of statistics help us reach conclusions? 

This workshop, conducted over three sessions, will address these questions by applying statistical theory, experimental design, and practical implementation of hypothesis tests. It’s open to anyone interested in learning more about the basics of statistics, experimental design, and the fundamentals of hypothesis testing. 

No background in statistics is required.

This is an introductory workshop in the Biostats series. No prior experience or prerequisites are required. No background in statistics is required.

Event Details

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