Monday, October 10, 2022 5:15am to 9am
About this Event
Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 Sunrise Ceremony
** We currently reahced our sponsored ticket capacity for this gathering. If you are interested and can purchase your ticket- please visit the website below:
Join the Multicultural Resource Center, Office of Diversity and Outreach for this gathering that honors the occupation of Alcatraz by Indians of All Tribes in 1969-71, which focused attention on discrimination, land rights and living conditions of Indians in the United States on a day dedicated to celebrating the arrival of Europeans. For some Native Americans, Alcatraz Indigenous People’s Day has special spiritual significance as a celebration of their personal relationship with nature.
It coordinated by the International Indian Treaty Council
RSVP here by Monday, 10/3/22 by 5 PM. The Multicultural Resource Center is sponsoring limited tickets & they are available on first come basis.
Meeting time is 5:15 AM- 9:00/9:30 AM (ferry lands back at Pier 33 at 9 AM)
You will be responsible for your own travel accommodations to and from Pier 33 (Alcatraz Landing) and we will be on the 5:45 AM Ferry.
All UCSF students, staff, and faculty are welcome. Any further questions, please contact the Multicultural Resource Center | please email
+ 5 People interested in event