University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

GME Diversity invites you to join our virtual GME Diversity Second Look 2024 event via Zoom on Friday, February 2nd, 2024 from 5pm - 7pm (EST 8pm - 10pm).

GME Diversity Second Look is an annual virtual outreach session for medical students nationally interested in learning more about UCSF GME programs. This program also provides an opportunity for medical students to be mentored in their specialty of interest. The purpose of the Second Look event is to encourage programs to invite back Underrepresented in Medicine (UIM) applicants so they can take a “second look” at the programs. At Second Look the programs share UCSF’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, Anti-Racist (DEIA) initiative and how their program embodies those DEIA values along with why the applicants should choose UCSF for various of the other perks that the programs can offer. We hope you can join us!

Register to Attend


Event Details

Upon registration, attendees will be sent an Outlook invite with Zoom information.

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.