Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:30pm to 4:30pm
About this Event
550 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94158
http://career.ucsf.eduNote: Registration required (register through Eventbrite)
Candidates who would like to get feedback on their materials are encouraged to attend this workshop with their CV and Cover Letter at an advanced stage of development. Participants will be paired together and will use a rubric based on the Academic Career Readiness Assessment (ACRA) Framework to give and receive feedback on their materials. Trainees have reported that this peer-review process is an effective format. The workshop facilitator will also provide some feedback and answer questions. Participants should send copies of a CV, Cover Letter, and a job description for which these materials have been tailored. This workshop is for application materials to R1 institutions, RT institutions (research/teaching: primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs), liberal arts colleges, and master's granting universities), and teaching-only institution applications.
The ACRA Framework was developed using interviews from faculty members at diverse types of institutions, with the support of a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
Develop application materials to represent themselves adequately for faculty positions
Identify areas of improvement for their own application materials
Analyze and evaluate other candidates' application materials
Develop a strategy for addressing the areas of concerns in their materials
To be accepted to the workshop, you must email the following materials no less than 2 business days prior to the workshop to and
Subject: "Workshop Materials - First Name Last Name". Send all files as one PDF with the file name "Last name_First name_Workshop Materials"
Job description for which your application packet was developed A Cover Letter tailored to this job (also see our tip sheet) An academic CV formatted (also see this resource)
Warning: some of our emails have been known to go to spam, so please check your spam folder regularly, especially if you use gmail to check your emails.
For additional information, click here.