Thursday, October 24, 2024 4pm to 6pm
About this Event
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Dementia is one of the greatest fears of people today. This documentary shifts that narrative of fear and hopelessness to one of hope and action.
There are things we can do as individuals to reduce our risk of developing dementia. There are ways to connect meaningfully with our loved ones, even if they no longer recognize us. We can live a high quality of life after diagnosis.
Keys Bags Names Words shows intimate profiles of people living with dementia and their care partners. You’ll meet doctors discussing what you can do in your life to support brain health and prevent cognitive decline. And you’ll meet musicians and artists, scientists and policy experts from around the world engaged in a bold approach to tackling one of the greatest global challenges for health and social care in the 21st century, dementia and brain health. This film is not a lament to loss, but a quirky and inspiring celebration of the human spirit.
A panel discussion about creating age-friendly emergency rooms will follow the screening.
Immediately following the film screening and panel discussion will be a neuroscience-themed art show and reception in the atrium of the Sandler Neurosciences Center from 5 to 8 p.m.
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