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The Current State of Covid (and the "Triple-demic"): A Conversation with Your Local Epidemiologist Dr. Katelyn Jetelina

Session moderated by Bob Wachter

In this UCSF Covid Grand Rounds, we’ll hear from Katelyn Jetelina, who achieved prominence during Covid for her superb scientific communication about Covid and other infectious threats. We’ll cover a variety of topics, including the current state of Covid (as well as flu and RSV), how to weigh risk today, the new Covid variants, who is dying of Covid, and communicating about Covid in the current era. 

Katelyn Jetelina, MPH, PhD, is an epidemiologist, data scientist, and internationally renowned scientific communicator. She is the director of Population Health Analytics at a nonprofit, nonpartisan health policy think tank. She is also a senior scientific advisor to a number of government and nonprofit agencies, including the White House, the CDC, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. She is the author and publisher of Your Local Epidemiologist, a public health newsletter that “translates” ever-evolving science to the general public. YLE has been viewed over 160 million times and has become a key resource for those trying to keep up with the science of Covid. Dr. Jetelina has received multiple national awards for her work, including from the National Academies of Science and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. 

Grand Rounds will be Zoom-only through the end of 2022. We will consider returning to a hybrid format in 2023. Watch live using the link below or at your convenience on our YouTube channel.

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