University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

Vaccine Roll-out, the State of the Pandemic, and Variants – in the U.S. and U.K.

Session moderated by Bob Wachter

In this UCSF Department of Medicine Covid Grand Rounds, Susan Philip, the acting Health Officer for the SF Department of Public Health, will give us an update on vaccine distribution in San Francisco. George Rutherford then reviews the current state of the pandemic, including the improving situation in California, which led to a relaxation of stay-at-home orders this week. 

Finally, we explore the new viral variants from two perspectives. Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Officer for the United Kingdom, will discuss the UK’s experience with the B117 variant, including emerging information that the variant may not only be more infectious but potentially more likely to be fatal too. Shane Crotty, Professor of Immunology at the La Jolla Institute, will describe our evolving understanding of all of the variants, what they mean for California and the U.S., and how we should respond.

Shane Crotty, PhD, Professor, Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccine Research, La Jolla Institute for Immunology

Susan Philip, MD, MPH, Acting Health Officer, San Francisco, Dept. of Public Health

George Rutherford, MD, UCSF Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Director of the Prevention and Public Health Group

Sir Patrick Vallance, FRS, FMedSci, FRCP, Chief Scientific Advisor, Government of the United Kingdom

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