Friday, January 13, 2023 12pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
Sponsorship is defined as the active support of an influential person for the advancement of a talented individual in whom they seeuntapped potential. Sponsors can complement the role that mentors play in career advancement by advocating for the sponsee to attain new leadership positions and providing opportunities for more visibility and recognition. While sponsorship is often equated with those who hold institutional leadership roles and/or have more seniority, in academic health centers those power dynamics are more nuanced, allowing for sponsorship to come from diverse sets of colleagues across rank and position. It is key for both sponsors and sponsees to better understand their own sponsorship network and to develop strategies for expanding and diversifying this network.
In this interactive session, aimed at both sponsors and sponsees, participants will have the opportunity to create their own sponsorship network using a new tool developed by the session facilitators, with the goal of developing strategies to expand the network to support career success. Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
n Describe the domains of sponsorship and why sponsorship matters
n Apply strategies to diagram and analyze your sponsorship network
n Develop a sponsorship agenda/action plan based on your sponsorship network
Dr. Mia Williams is an internal medicine specialist who provides primary care. She is particularly interested in chronic disease management, quality-of-life issues, preventive care, patient-centered medicine and issues specific to Latino health. Her research focuses on developing education initiatives to improve patient-centered communication when there are language differences as well as to improve care for diverse populations. Dr. Williams is involved in medical education at UCSF. Her teaching efforts include serving as a preceptor for students in the UCSF internal medicine clinic.
Dr. Feldman is Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine of UCSF Health, and the Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Mentoring in the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs where he directs the UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program. His research has contributed to evidence that mentoring matters in career success and satisfaction. He has been an invited speaker at major universities across the US and Asia and is proud to be a member of the UCSF Academy of Medical Educators.
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