University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

3700 Blackhawk Plaza Cir, Danville, CA 94506, United States ##neevronil
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We invite you on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at the stunning Blackhawk Museum in Danville, CA, to the BORN Gala—an evening dedicated to supporting childhood brain cancer research and helping families in need.

Please buy your tickets or donate at:

We’re excited to have Marcus D. from "The Marcus and Corey Show" as our M.C., and Dr. Michelle Monje, a pioneering neuro-oncologist from Stanford, as our Guest Speaker, sharing groundbreaking insights.

This fundraising gala for the Neev Kolte & Brave Ronil Foundation will include a delicious three-course dinner, exciting raffles/auction items, music and much more! Your support will fund life-saving research and provide critical aid to families affected by childhood brain cancer

Event Details

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.