About this Event
There are several UCSF teams participating in AIDS Walk San Francisco for this year's virtual event on Sunday, July 19. AIDS Walk: Live at Home will feature Better Midler, Gloria Estefan, Vanessa Williams, Laura Linney, Matt Bomer, Alex Newell, Alan Cumming, stars from Queer Eye and RuPaul's Drag Race. It will be broadcast locally on KGO, and also the AIDS Walk Facebook page.
You can go to the AIDS Walk site (https://sf.aidswalk.net/) to sign up and become a virtual walker on one of our virtual UCSF teams, or just donate to one of the hard-working fundraisers who are already signed up. Simply sort on UCSF.
It is very difficult times, but the agencies who benefit need our help now more than ever. Examples of former AIDS Walk supported projects are the needle exchange program, seed funding for the Ward 86 Golden Campass program to care for aging HIV community, and money for the Ward 86 POP-UP, helping homeless and unstably housed people with HIV.
Please join us in our efforts!