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Free Event

2024 DPBS Early Career Psychology Research and Clinical Innovation Award Presentations


Tapping Creative Solutions to Address Treatment Efficacy and Access: An Example from Eating Disorders

Sasha Gorrell, PhD
Assistant Adjunct Professor • Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences • UCSF Weill Insititute for Neurosciences

Learning objectives:
At the end of this presentation, learners will be able to:

  • Identify barriers to positive treatment reponse in eating disorders
  • Describe a neurobiological theory of eating pathology
  • Discuss one interventional approach that has promise to improve overall psychiatric prognosis in individuals with eating disorders


Bridging the Science-Practice Gap to Improve Outcomes for Eating Disorders

Erin Reilly, PhD
Assistant Adjunct Professor • Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences • UCSF Weill Insititute for Neurosciences

Learning objectives:
At the end of this presentation, learners will be able to:

  • Discuss the scientist practitioner model and the ways in which the research-practice gap may hamper outcomes for mental health treatments, including in eating disorders
  • Outline two strategies for engaging stakeholders in informing clinical research priorities
  • Describe at least one novel treatment development initiative in the area of eating disorders


In addition to the Pritzker Building, DPBS members can also watch this event live at Mount Zion (Room B7-30) and ZSFG (Bldg. 5, Room 7M30), as well as on Zoom (

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds presentations are for educational purposes and intended only for behavioral/mental health professionals and clinical providers.

Continuing education (CE) credit is available for physicians, psychologists, nurses, and therapists who participate in this activity.

Event Details

Meeting ID: 920 2347 1458
Password: 415476

UCSF promotes the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, acknowledging that the views and opinions of our guest speakers on campus are their own and may not reflect the perspective of the University. We embrace free speech in the pursuit of greater understanding, consistent with our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment.