Wednesday, April 17, 2024 1pm to 5pm
About this Event
675 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
#culturalpsychiatryWhose Medicine, Whose Healing: Culture and Race in the Psychedelics Movement
We are excited to invite you to the Annual Cultural Psychiatry Workshop featuring this year's theme: "Whose Medicine, Whose Healing: Culture and Race in the Psychedelics Movement." This is a collaborative event organized by psychiatry residents from UCSF and Kaiser Oakland and co-sponsored by UCSF Alliance Health Project.
Speakers will explore the growing interest and research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances, with a focus on providing a platform for Indigenous and BIPOC individuals to share their unique insights, experiences, and expertise within the psychedelic treatment movement.
We are thrilled to welcome our keynote speaker, Monnica Williams, PhD, a board-certified, licensed clinical psychologist, and the clinical director of the Behavioral Wellness Clinics in Connecticut and Ottawa, joining us from University of Ottawa. Dr. Williams' research focuses on BIPOC mental health, culture, and psychopathology, and she is a renowned expert on psychedelics and racial justice.
We will also host a panel featuring a multidisciplinary and distinguished experts including:
Kaiser Oakland residents Emilio Esquivel, MD, and Brittany Abeldt, MD, will provide a brief overview on "An Introduction to Psychedelics."
We hope that you can make it and would greatly appreciate your completion of this RSVP form to help us plan for the appropriate number of attendees.