University of California San Francisco Give to UCSF

513 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, California 94143 #ucsfpsychGR
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Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Series Presentation:
The Hungry Ghost: A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Addiction, From Heroin to Workaholism

Gabor Maté, MD
Compassion for Addiction


Learning objectives:
By the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe what happens chemically and physiologically in the brains of people with substance dependency or behavior addiction
  • Examine the development of the addicted mind: How early childhood experiences shape the brain
  • Discuss the social basis of addiction in economic, cultural and political dislocation and disempowerment
  • Practice strategies for the prevention of addiction, both in adolescence and before


Remote live streaming locations:

  • Zuckerberg San Francisco General: Building 5, Room 7M30
  • San Francisco VA Medical Center: Building 8, Room 313
  • Clearlake VA Clinic
  • Eureka VA Clinic
  • San Bruno VA Clinic
  • San Francisco VA Downtown Clinic
  • Santa Rosa VA Clinic
  • Ukiah VA Clinic

Live streaming is also available at

Please note: This presentation will NOT be archived for later viewing.


Grand Rounds presentations are for educational purposes and intended for a professional audience only. This presentation is not open to the general public.

To qualify for CME credit for this event, participants must (1) attend in-person or at one of the approved live streaming locations listed above; and (2) sign in at their location.

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